Chapter 21  Alternating Current circuits and electromagnetic waves

21.1 Resistors in an ac Circuit (Skip)

21.2 Capacitors in an ac Circuit (Skip)

21.3 Inductors in an ac Circuit (Skip)

21.4 The RLC Series Circuit (Skip)

21.5 Power in an ac Circuit (Skip)

21.6 Resonance in a Series RLS Circuit (Skip)

21.7 The Transformer

  The effect in which a changing current in one circuit induces an emf in another circuit is called mutual induction.

  A transformer is a device for increasing or decreasing an ac voltage.

  Figure 21.14

  The effect in which a changing current in one circuit induces an emf in another circuit is called mutual induction.

  The induced emf in the primary coil is (due to self-induction)

                   V1 = - N1

Where  is the magnetic flux through each turn. 

  The induced emf in the secondary coil is  (due to mutual induction)

                   V2 = - N2

Where  is the magnetic flux through each turn. 

  The transformer equation is

                   V2/V1 = N2/N1


21.8 Maxwell’s Prediction

  James Clerk Maxwell showed that an electric field and a magnetic field fluctuating together can form a propagating electromagnetic wave.  (Maxwell’s equations)

  Basis for Maxwell’s equations

1)      A point charge creates the electric field around it, and Coulomb’s law describes the relation between the point charge and the electric field.

2)      There is no magnetic monopole.

3)      A varying magnetic field induces an emf and hence an electric field. (Faraday’s law – Chapter 20)

4)      Magnetic fields are generated by moving charges (current). (Amphere’s law – Chapter 19)

21.9 Hertz’s Discoveries

  Heinrich Hertz first generated and discovered electromagnetic waves in a laboratory setting.

21.10 Production of Electromagnetic Waves by an Antenna 

  Figure 21.19 (Electric field set up by an antenna)

  Figure 21.21 (the electromagnetic wave by an antenna)

  An electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave; (1) the electric and magnetic fields are both perpendicular and (2) both fields are perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels.

21.11 Properties of Electromagnetic Waves

  Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum or a material substance, since electric and magnetic fields can exist in either one.

 Maxwell determined theoretically that electromagnetic waves propagate through a vacuum at a speed given by

                   c =  = 2.997 92 x 108 m/s

where eo = 8.85 x 10-12 C2/N-m2 (the electric permittivity of free space) and mo = 4p x 10-7 T-m/A (the magnetic permeablity of free space).

 The speed of light is c = 299 792 458 m/s (a measured value).  Since the electromagnetic waves travel at a speed that is precisely the same as the speed of light in vacuum, light is an electromagnetic wave.

 The ratio of the electric field to the magnetic field in an electromagnetic wave equals the speed of light.

                    = c

 Electromagnetic waves carry energy as they travel through space.

          Average power per unit area =  =  =

 Electromagnetic waves carry momentum as they travel through space.

                   p =  (complete absorption)

p =  (complete reflection)

where U is the total energy to a surface in a time t and c is the speed of light.


21.12  The Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves

 An electromagnetic wave has a frequency f and a wavelength  that are related to the speed v of the wave by v = f .  For a electromagnetic waves traveling through a vacuum (air), the speed is that of light (c = 3.00 x 108 m/s)

                   c = f   



 The ordered series of electromagnetic wave frequencies (wavelength) is called the electromagnetic spectrum. 

(Figure 21.23)

 Radio waves


 Infrared waves

 Visible waves

 Ultraviolet (UV) waves


 Gamma rays


21.13  The Doppler Effect for Electromagnetic Waves

 When electromagnetic waves and the source and the observer of the waves all travel along the same line in a vacuum, the single equation that specifies the Doppler effect is

                   f’ = f (1  )   if  u << c

where f’ and f are the observed and emitted frequencies, respectively, u stands for the speed of the source and the observer relative to one another, and c is the speed of light.
